Monday, January 9, 2012

‎100 Strangers: Edward 2/100 October 22, 2011

On the 7th day of the Occupy Toronto protests, my friend and I were warming up at a cafe when we met Edward. He had been camping out at Occupy Toronto for three days when we met him! While we were talking to him he had told us that he originally intended to just come down on weekends to support Occupiers, but a week before the protests were to begin he was layed off from his job! He decided that it was the best time to take action so he got his things together and came from his home in Bowmanville to permanently camp with the rest of the occupiers! He informed me that he was there because he cared not just about himself but for the generations that are to come after us!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

100 Strangers: Pete 1/100

Today I was sitting with my sister at Kane's Diner in Calgary when these two men came to eat at the table next to us! They began to tell us many stories of their journeys across Canada and the U.S on their motorcycles! They had grand and wonderful tales and was so very interesting listening to them! Pete told us how when he was younger he owned a few businesses in Calgary but how he spent much of his time in California. I could have spent hours sitting there listening to him tell stories of his adventures. This is one of the photos I captured during the telling of one of his adventures!

First Photography Project: 100 Strangers

I have decided that for my very first photography project I would try to accomplish the 100 Strangers project I have seen on! The idea is that you ask strangers permission to take their photo and then get to know them for a few minutes! After that you post your photo to a blog with a small paragraph about something you have learned about them! Wish me luck!